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Video Tryout Format

Welcome to the Navarro College Cheerleading Program!

We're excited that you're interested in joining our cheerleading team. This is an overview of the video tryout format. (Printable PDF)
  • Please introduce yourself and tell us why you would like to cheer at Navarro College.
  • Please do ALL tumbling skills on hard floor.
  • If you cannot do some of the following skills, do a lower level skill instead.
  • Send in a video along with cheer application and questionnaire.
  • Results will be emailed in May.


Please include the following:
  1. Chant with a standing back tuck - can be short and easy
  2. Dance with a standing BHS back - can be short and easy
  3. Toe touch BHS back/full
  4. Any additional standing tumbling that you would like to include (toe full, 2 to full, etc.)
  5. One running tumbling pass (if you are trying out for a tumbling position only, you can do an additional tumbling pass instead of stunts)
  6. Elite stunt to scale double down
  7. Elite stunt to stretch double down


Please include the following:
  1. Chant with a standing back tuck - can be short and easy
  2. Toe touch BHS back/full
  3. Any additional standing tumbling that you would like to include (toe full, 2 to full, 2 to full full, etc.)
  4. One running tumbling pass (if you are trying out for a tumbling position only, you can do an additional tumbling pass instead of stunts)
  5. Elite stunt to scale double down
  6. Elite stunt to stretch double down
  7. Elite stunt of your choice




We will be signing athletes throughout the season,  so please submit early due to limited spots for our upcoming team.